Wildlife Conservation


The proximity of all our tea gardens to the Himalayan forests have made them important wildlife reserves. Rare and endangered animals such as the Red Pandas, Tigers, Himalayan Leopards, Porcupines and Hornbills live within our tea gardens. Our focus over the years has been to sensitise the local community to harmful killings of these animals and also to constantly create awareness among them to protect these beautiful creatures. We also have a huge population of elephants in these regions and we are now in the process of developing an elephant corridor within our gardens to allow wild Elephants to cross over to the forests without causing damage to the local maize and tea crops.

We have also partnered with the local community and the forest department to enhance the population of the endangered Ant-Eater that is found in our tea gardens. Our sustained efforts over the past years have yielded in positive results with an increase in 30% of their population in the last 2 years. 


The future of wildlife and the habitat that they depend on is being destroyed.
It is time to make nature and all the beauty living within it our priority.